Engine oil for the model A and other vintage vehicles which used the straight 30 weight oil.
Compression tester, vacuum tester, valve and valve guide tools, stud repair, sump guides, flywheel guages, engine lifting tools.
Crankshaft, Burtz Camshaft, conrods, Timing parts, front pulley, oil drain pipes and main bearing, Crankshaft, Camshaft & Block parts for your model A Ford.
Head studs & nuts, Engine lift tool, Head puller tool, Cylinder Head parts for your model A Ford.
Head Gaskets, Engine gasket sets, Front and rear main oil seals, Engine Gasket parts for your model A Ford.
Front engine mounting, Rear engine mountings, Engine mount pads, Float A motor kits, Front yoke, Engine Mounting parts for your model A Ford.
Lightened flywheel, Flywheel housing, Flywheen ring gear, Pilot bearing, Flywheel housing gasket, Flywheen checking guage, Flywheel housing bolts, Flywheel parts for your model A Ford.
Inlet manifold, Exhaust manifold, Performance inlet and exhaust manifolds, Manifold studs, Manifold bolts, Manifold gaskets, Manifold parts for your model A Ford.
Oil filler tube, Oil breather, Oil filter kit, Dipstick, Oil cap, Oil Filter & Breather parts for your model A Ford.
Oil Pump, Oil pump drive gears, Oil pressure guage, Oil Pump parts for your model A Ford.
Pistons, Piston rings, Pins and retainers, Pistons & Con Rods parts for your model A Ford.
Rear main janitor, Engine Pans, Sump gaskets, Clean out cover and gaskets, Sump plug, Sump parts for your model A Ford.
Timing cover, Finned Valve Cover, Timing pin, Timing cover gaskets and bolts, Timing Cover parts for your model A Ford.
Fibre timing gears, laminated timing gears, metal timing gears, Timing Gears parts for your model A Ford.
Valves, Tappets, Adjustable valve lifters, Valve springs, Valve seats, Valve guides, Valve cover, Valve parts for your model A Ford.
Our series of Model A Ford engine DVD's covering replacing a model A engine, cylinder head replacement, setting crankshaft bearing clearances and replacing the timing gear.
Ford Green Engine Enamel.The engine paint is quite thin, so it goes a long way. enough to brush paint your engine and gearbox.
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