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Vintage Ford

Model A Ford Books

Model A Ford Mechanics Handbook Vol 1

Model A Ford Mechanics Handbook Vol 1

Our Model A Ford Bible, is a 'Must Have' book for all model A owners!

This is the quintessential guide for service and maintenance. Includes sections on service and repair, service adjustment, lubrication and troubleshooting.

With 400 pages and 500 plus illustrations, this volume contains sections on repair, service adjustment, lubrication, and troubleshooting. In step by step fashion, Les covers a variety of topics regarding your vintage Model A including engine rebuilding, carburetors, distributors, cylinder heads and camshafts, as well as the electrical system, transmission, brakes, steering, fuel system, and window regulators.

A wealth of information packed into an easy to read volume.

Availability:  3 In Stock!

Price: £45.00

Model A Ford Mechanics Handbook Vol 2

Model A Ford Mechanics Handbook Vol 2

Companion guide to Mechanics handbook Vol 1. Another 'Must Have' book for your library!

Installation instructions for over 60 accessories and aftermarket products that include: fender wells, electronic ignition, turn signals, 12 volt conversion, front brake floaters, halogen headlights, seal beam headlights, alternator, water temperature gauge, tachometer, Mallory distributor and timing, seat belts, Mitchell Overdrive, CB radio, AM/FM radio, manifold heater, tube shocks, PVC valve, roof top material installation, windwing installation, rumble seat conversion, dome light wiring, rewinding horn motor, hood alignment, door alignment and MUCH MORE!

Also included is step by step instructions on installing wood in 28-31 Pickup 28-31 Tudor, and 30-31 Coupes. There is also a SPEED section that describes how to increase speed, horsepower, and reliability for Touring. By Les Andrews.

Availability:  11 In Stock!

Price: £37.50

Model A Ford Troubleshooting & Diagnostics

Model A Ford Troubleshooting & Diagnostics

The third mechanics handbook by Les Andrews and another 'Must Have' book for your library!

Section one is about quick and easy diagnostic tests that you perform on the road.
Section two provides a comprehensive test that you perform in the shop.
Section three lists 1000 symptoms, causes and fixes.
Section four discuses how each major operating system works.
Section five lists special tools and instruments used in testing.

200 pages, 100 illustrations, by Les Andrews.

Availability:  29 In Stock!

Price: £32.50

The Model A Ford Carburetors  -  Code: BC-1

The Model A Ford Carburetors - Code: BC-1

"The Model A Carburetors" This book is restoration manual, data reference, and covers the history of types, changes, operation, testing and rebuilding of Model A Zenith and Tillotson carbs.

One of the best books ever written about the Model A carb.

Complete information, covering everything from basic fine tuning to complete carburetor rebuilding.

The most comprehensive information that you will ever find is in this book.

Availability:  9 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

The Model A Ford As Henry Built It  -  Code: HB-1

The Model A Ford As Henry Built It - Code: HB-1

Mt favourite book this one!

This book gives a comprehensive overview of the Model a Ford from 1928-1931.

Contains outstanding original photos along with loads of detailed production information, color schemes and upholstery details.

A must have book for any Model A Ford owner. Covers the years 1928-1931. 210 pages hardbound with over 200 photos and illustrations.

Availability:  3 In Stock!

Price: £59.00

The Model A Engine Book - Code BA-23

The Model A Engine Book - Code BA-23

A complete manual for rebuilding the Model A engine with step by step procedures.

Also includes information on rebuilding the distributor and oil pump.

Written by Bill and Paul McRee.

110 pages printed on heavy glossy paper, spiral bound.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £33.00

Model A Service Bulletins  -  Code: BP-1PB

Model A Service Bulletins - Code: BP-1PB

A new soft bound A4 version of the popular service bulletins.

This manual is a high-quality reproduction of a complete set of the service bulletins printed by Ford to help Ford mechanics at the dealer repair cars and trucks.

Henry issued bulletins to his dealers showing garage mechanics how to repair or replace defective updated parts.

Made in USA.

Availability:  5 In Stock!

Price: £39.95

Henrys Lady Book  -  BE-2

Henrys Lady Book - BE-2

"Model A Henry's Lady An Illustrated History of the Model A Ford'" by Ray Miller.

This volume is the authoritative Model A history.

A 320 page soft bound book with over 1,000 pictures. Contains some color photos of cars.

Highlights many features of the different body styles.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £72.00

Model A Paint and Finish Guide - 4th Edition BA-19

Model A Paint and Finish Guide - 4th Edition BA-19

The new Model A & AA Paint & Finish Guide is the 4th edition of this valuable reference.

This is a must have book to guide you in the finishing of your Model A or AA. The text has been updated and some illustrations are now in color to enhance the details.

The paint chip section has had an extensive upgrade with the color sample size increased to approximately 2"x 7" with only 4 colors per page. This greatly enhances usefulness of the colors for comparison.

Original Ford Factory Model A paint chips were used as the masters for the new color samples. This is the definitive work captures how a Model A should be painted.

This book published by the Model A Ford Club contains authentic paint chips for all years and body style Model A’s.

Does not give paint mixing ratio numbers. You will have to match color chips with your local paint dealers books.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £49.95

The Model A Ford Victoria Book BP-190

The Model A Ford Victoria Book BP-190

Great new book with 251 pages of color and black & white photos throughout. Information from material published in The Victoria Bustle, The Restorer and Ford Service Bulletins.

This book is the third in what will be a series of "How To" type books focusing on a single body style.

Another must have book for your library on the Model A Ford. 251 pages.

Availability:  7 In Stock!

Price: £39.95

The Model A Ford Tudor Sedan Book BP-55

The Model A Ford Tudor Sedan Book BP-55

In response to many members seeking a book devoted to a particular body style, the Model A Ford Club of America is proud to introduce the Tudor Book.

Developed from articles appearing in The Restorer, this new book focuses on the Model A Tudor sedan from 1928 through 1931.

The emphasis is on the body and the interior to help the owner / restorer of a Tudor Sedan. This book is the first in what will be a series of "How To" type books focusing on a single body style.

This highly anticipated book is a must have for your library on the Model A Ford. 140 pages.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £25.95

The Model A Ford Coupe Book BA-10

The Model A Ford Coupe Book BA-10

This is a superior compilation of all of the articles ever published in The Restorer on Model A Coupes, plus some written by Les Andrews and never before published, until now!

The book has a terrific introduction written by Alex Janke, which includes all of the data sheets with the original fabric, paint, and stripe combinations available on the various Coupes.

This book is the second in what will be a series of "How To" type books focusing on a single body style.

Another must have book for your library on the Model A Ford. 182 pages.

Availability:  6 In Stock!

Price: £34.95

Houdaille Hydraulic Suspension Book

Houdaille Hydraulic Suspension Book

Houdaille Hydraulic Suspension book, covers removal, disassembly, inspection and complete restoration of Model A Houdaille shock absorbers.

Written by Les Pearson Full color, 45 pages spiral bound.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £24.95

The Model A Coupe Book  -  Code: BA-9

The Model A Coupe Book - Code: BA-9

This books actual title is 'Practical Info About 30-31 Coupes' written by Marith McCoul.

175 pages of text and illustrations that will take you from A to Z restoring your 1930 or 31 Coupe.

Spiral bound for long life.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £38.95

RHD Model A Instruction Book  -  Code: BA-3RHD

RHD Model A Instruction Book - Code: BA-3RHD

Right Hand Drive Ford Model 'A' Instruction Book for the 1928-31 Model A Ford.

This is a reprint of the standard Canadian owners manual that was issued with all RHD Model A cars from the factory.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £21.00

Model A Instruction Book -  Code: BA-3

Model A Instruction Book - Code: BA-3

1928-31 Ford Model 'A' Instruction Book

This is a reprint of the standard owners manual that was issued with all Model A cars from the factory.

Availability:  4 In Stock!

Price: £21.00

Model A Instruction Book Late 1931  -  Code: BA-3L

Model A Instruction Book Late 1931 - Code: BA-3L

Model A Instruction Book (for the late 1931 with indented firewalls) Ford Model 'A' Instruction Book"

This is a reprint of the manual that was issued with all Model A cars from the factory.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £21.00

The Gem from the River Rouge Book - BP-10

The Gem from the River Rouge Book - BP-10

Murray Fahnestock was a leading authority on the new Fords and explains why the component parts of the new model A are superior to the old ones. Hardback book.

One of my own favourite books, great reading!

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £29.50

How to restore your Model A Volume 1

How to restore your Model A Volume 1

Volume number 1 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Over the past 50 years, some of the most useful articles have been written about the restoration and maintenance of your Model A and published in The Restorer magazine.

Even if you have all of the magazines, it is difficult to find the exact articles you want, when you want them. That is why the best articles have been compiled for you into a 9 book series that is fully indexed and reprinted from new masters.
A must for every Model A owner.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to restore your Model A Volume 2

How to restore your Model A Volume 2

Volume number 2 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to restore your Model A Volume 3

How to restore your Model A Volume 3

Volume number 3 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to restore your Model A Volume 4

How to restore your Model A Volume 4

Volume number 4 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to restore your Model A Volume 5

How to restore your Model A Volume 5

Volume number 5 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to restore your Model A Volume 6

How to restore your Model A Volume 6

Volume number 6 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to restore your Model A Volume 7

How to restore your Model A Volume 7

Volume number 7 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to Restore Your Model A Volume 8

How to Restore Your Model A Volume 8

Volume number 8 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

How to Restore Your Model A Volume 9

How to Restore Your Model A Volume 9

Volume number 9 of this book series published by the Model A Ford Club of America.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Shop Kinks and tools  -  Code: LA9

Shop Kinks and tools - Code: LA9

"Shop Kinks and Tools for Ford A-B - V-8 and Chevrolets 1930 to 1933 inclusive"

This is a reprint of a small book published by the National Machine and Tool Company to help servicemen work the bugs out of Fords and Chevrolets.

Availability: In stock - Last Chance!

Price: £7.50

Get A Horse - Model A Troubleshooting Book Code BP11

Get A Horse - Model A Troubleshooting Book Code BP11

A small and handy 31 page soft bound book full of many useful tips and pointers on what to do when your Model A quits on you!

Helps diagnose and fix common problems.

Availability: In stock - Last Chance!

Price: £19.95

Model A Restoration handbook 1  -  Code: BS-1

Model A Restoration handbook 1 - Code: BS-1

11 chapters cover lubrication, starters, distributors, battery, carburetor, brakes, spindles, and water pump/ very good detail/ by Paul Moller/ 58 pages/ 73 illustrations.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Model A Restoration handbook 2  -  BS-2

Model A Restoration handbook 2 - BS-2

9 chapters covering ammeter, cut-out, generator, carburetor, steering column, transmission/ good detail/ by Paul Moller/ 59 pages/ 115 illustrations.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 1

Technically Speaking Volume 1

Technically Speaking Volume 1. A great series of books which contains all of the 1965-1967 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 2

Technically Speaking Volume 2

Technically Speaking Volume 2. A great series of books which contains all of the 1968-1971 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 3

Technically Speaking Volume 3

Technically Speaking Volume 3. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 4

Technically Speaking Volume 4

Technically Speaking Volume 4. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  2 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 5

Technically Speaking Volume 5

Technically Speaking Volume 5. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability: We can order this for you

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 6

Technically Speaking Volume 6

Technically Speaking Volume 6. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 7

Technically Speaking Volume 7

Technically Speaking Volume 7. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 8

Technically Speaking Volume 8

Technically Speaking Volume 8. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 9

Technically Speaking Volume 9

Technically Speaking Volume 9. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 10

Technically Speaking Volume 10

Technically Speaking Volume 10. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Technically Speaking Volume 11

Technically Speaking Volume 11

Technically Speaking Volume 11. A great series of books which contains all of the 1972-1975 technical articles from the Model 'A' News, the club publication for the 'Model A Restorers Club' in the USA.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £19.95

Model A & AA Chassis Manual  -  Code: BA-8

Model A & AA Chassis Manual - Code: BA-8

Model A and AA repair section reprint of the Dykes supplement from the big Dykes Manual.

This little soft bound manual contains a lot of technical information such as specifications, torques, gaps, etc.

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £19.50

Improved Features of the New Ford  -  Code: LA10

Improved Features of the New Ford - Code: LA10

Tiny book with good general information/ covers all new features and body styles for the new 1930-1931 Model A.

Availability: In stock - Last Chance!

Price: £5.50

Model A Accessory Brochure  -  Code: BA-11

Model A Accessory Brochure - Code: BA-11

Small folded brochure illustrates the accessories that were available for the Model A. Illustrates the items and prices from 1928.

Availability:  1 In Stock!

Price: £8.00

The Standard Body Types  -  Code: LA14

The Standard Body Types - Code: LA14

Features all standard passenger models and specifications/ illustrated/ 12 page sales booklet in 2 colors.

Availability: In stock - Last Chance!

Price: £6.00

Ford Battery information brochure  -  Code: LA18

Ford Battery information brochure - Code: LA18

Information folder, in 2 colors, on the Ford battery for the Model A/ 3 page foldout.

Availability: In stock - Last Chance!

Price: £5.50

Those Wonderful Unauthorised Accessories  -  Code: BP-12

Those Wonderful Unauthorised Accessories - Code: BP-12

"Those Wonderful Unauthorized Accessories for Model A Ford." This fascinating little book shows you over 250 pages of advertisements for accessories from the days when the Model A was new.

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £32.50

Model A Body Parts List  -  Code: BA-5

Model A Body Parts List - Code: BA-5

"Ford Body Parts List A' and AA' 1928-29-30-31."

This is a reproduction of the book that originally would have been used in the Ford dealer's parts department so that customers could order parts.

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £30.00

Tillotson Carburetors Book - Code BC-2A

Tillotson Carburetors Book - Code BC-2A

Finally, a complete book devoted the the popular Tillotson Carburetor.

The Tillotson carburetor was one of the most common aftermarket carbs that was used on the Model A.

This manual will cover the entire restoration and rebuilding procedures for this carb. These carburetors are commonly marked as "model X" or "model XF."

This only covers the pot metal version of these carbs. 34 pages soft cover and spiral bound.

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £36.00

Automotive Hardware & Trim Catalog  -  Code: BPF-2

Automotive Hardware & Trim Catalog - Code: BPF-2

This book is fully Illustrated with pictures and dimensions of Ford trim parts/ contains both a numerical and alphabetical listing of body types/ includes a model identification chart.

The book shows all of the interior and exterior door handles, escutcheons, and most of the specialty trim items. Tells you what year and body style car or truck took what trim items.

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £27.50

The Model A Generator Book - BA-22

The Model A Generator Book - BA-22

Another great book by Bill and Paul McRee. This is a complete restoration manual with step by step procedures on the disassembly, repair and re-assembly of the Model A Ford generator.

Over 50 photos with some full color. Printed on heavy paper and bound with oversize combs to lay flat.

Covers the Model A and B generators and starters including the powerhouse generator and the Abell starter.

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £27.50

Model A/AA Truck Owner  -  BP-AA

Model A/AA Truck Owner - BP-AA

"Model A/AA Ford Truck Owner."

This is one of the few books devoted to Model A Trucks.
You will find 288 pages of reproductions of factory and vintage information.

A soft bound book that deals strickly with the Model A trucks. Shows different commercial bodies, along with some Ford bodies that were available.

Not really a restoration or service manual for the trucks, but basically an illustrated book showing what was available back then.

Availability: Special Order!

Can be added to our next USA order! View Ordering Information

Price: £41.50

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